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Trendy Talk Podcast

Oct 22, 2019

How a weight loss journey took our guest, Lisa Carey, to a path of happiness, health and a whole new way of living.

Oct 3, 2019

Our guest today is Kristen Shaw who shares how she manages to work in a segment which is predominantly populated by men. She also relates how her success can be applied to any work environment.

Sep 28, 2019

Today's guest is Jennifer Frosch Leal who shares about her journey to live her best life while facing adversity. Such an inspiring story - you won't want to miss this!

Aug 13, 2019

Get to know the producer and 2 of the cast members from the Angry Birds 2 movie. Hear their thoughts about the movie and what they liked about it.

Apr 10, 2019

This week's episode shares the journey of LaToyia Dennis, a motivated mom. Sharing her path inspiring others to improve their lives to setting new heights for their goals and dreams.